But, got a first blast of my new resource www.washblade.com
Man, this newspaper is the bomb!
I get updates via e-mail with top stories like the 5 mayoral canidates and their stand on gay marriage and gay rights - so yo if you live in DC look out for these two candidates Marie Johns, Adrian Fenty- Mr. Fenty is a cutie pie, so watch out for him and Ms. Johns is also a cutie with a buzz cutt, so watch out for her- but the point and reason is that both of these candidates support FULL gay marriage and that's what's up and I mean shyt they might convince a brotha to move back to the East Coast, I need to get back in my own waters anyway- so... you never know.. but not into another year or two-- speaking of can you believe I've been in the Chi going on 5 years? Yep, this straight up East Coast brotha continues to do the DAMN thing, right here in the bloody Backward Midwest..lol.. Nah, it ain't that bad- I mean you just got to get in where you fit in, and I was actually thinking about becoming political.. alot of folks say that's what's wrong.. young people aren't political enough and EVERYTHING is political!
At any rate, at this time, also have to spread some knowledge on today's IDIOT of the day: Mr.
Dumbass himself Alfred Owens Jr. (A DC Minister who refered to gays as "sissies" and ah "faggots" .. Can you believe that shyt)
How you going to be a "man" of "god" and just be straight up hatefull?? People like this need a can of whomp ass busted out on them and well....... I'll let ur imagination soar on that one....don't want to use too much energy on this jerk but check it out.. how you going to make the following statement in or out of public for that matter??
"It takes a real man to confess Jesus as Lord and savior," Bishop Alfred A. Owens Jr., pastor of Greater Mount Calvary Church in Northeast D.C., told his congregation in his Good Friday sermon.
"I’m not talking about no faggot or no sissy," "Wait a minute! Let the real men come on down here and take a bow … all the real men. I’m talking about the straight men."
"You ain’t funny and you ain’t cranky, but you’re straight," "Come on down here and walk around and praise God that you’re straight," he said. "Thank him that you’re straight. All the straight men that’s proud to be a Christian, that are proud to be a man of God."
That shyt is crazy and I hope peeps have enough sense to leave that church and yo if your a gay church member of this man's church you need to find a new church home...
Matter fact, (and yeah I borrowed this from someone- check out http://jasmynecannick.typepad.com)
Diagree with with Bishop Alfred A. Owens Jr.? Let him and his congregation know.
Contact the Bishop today!
Greater Mt. Calvary Holy Church
Bishop Alfred A. Owens, Jr., D.Min., PastorEvangelist Susie C. Owens, Co-PastorAssociate Pastor, T. Cedric Brown
610 Rhode Island Avenue, North EastWashington, District of Columbia 20002-1292Office: 202-529-4547Fax: 202-529-4495
Staff Emails:
Alfred T. Owens, Office Assistantatowens@gmchc.org
Alma Belcher , Counselor abelcher@gmchc.org
Anthony Minor, Teacheraminor@gmchc.org
Beatrice Dawson, Bookstore Managerbdawson@gmchc.org
Bernard Perry, Principal of Calvary Christian Academybperry@gmchc.org
Betty Robinson, Lead Facilities Maintenance Staffbrobinson@gmchc.org
Beverly Lucas, Director of The Family Life Centerblucas@gmchc.org
Bobby Daniels, Administrative Asst. to the Sr. Pastorbdaniels@gmchc.org
Bryan Smith, Duplication Technicianbsmith@gmchc.org
Calvin Sykes, Non-Teaching Assistantcsykes@gmchc.org
It's time for this mess to stop and yo if a member of that church does the same thing my buddy did last week.. I'm going to be troughly pissed.. this shyt HAS to stop!!!! enough said..
This minister is mad crazy i've been hearing a lot about him. It's sad he thinks the way he does and is supposed to be a leader. It's a prime example of The blind leading the blind.
People of the cloth who speak as dude does are a prime reason a lot of people turn away from God.
I agree with one portion of his statements, real men praise God, period! Your sexuality has nothing to do with it.
I found the Bishop has done nothing wrong. Yes, his words were very harsh and he should have addressed it better. Yet, I have to side with the Bishop. It takes a real, honest, and genuine person to confess Jesus. Basically, real and contrite hearts is what God seeks. I do not feel he is preaching hate, just preaching the heart of God.
People think that God is all inclusive and accepts everything. This is certainly untrue and further from the truth. Many times in the bible God has expressed his hate and manifested his judgement to those who turned their back on him or disobeyed his commandments. The only difference now is that God has given us more grace and mercy under his new covenant. Be not fooled that God will accept you as your are in your current sinful state. If you were to as God and redeemed, his love and righteousness is given to change you and bring you back into fellowship and image of Him. That will require change. That is what the Bishop is advocating is that it takes a real Man to change his ways to follow after Christ and leave behind his wicked and unrighteous life and live a new life in Christ by the renewing of his mind and heart. The problem is that we confess Christ, but do not live the Christian life.
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