Friday, September 08, 2006

Brad Pitt for Gay marriage?

Can you believe this?

Brad Pitt' ever the social activist, says he won't be marrying
Angelina until the restrictions on who can marry whom are are dropped.

"Angie and I will consider tying the knot when everyone else in the country who wants to be married is legally able," the 42-year-old actor reveals in Esquire magazine's October issue, on newsstands Sept. 19.

And we always knew he was family... lol... but the real question is do they think it will really work?

I'm all for gay marriage don't get me wrong...

oh and i have a crush on this dude that i see at the gym....

the way the brotha looks at me makes me he makes me so fucking nervous and the other day he sees me and smiles this big ass smile, with them white ass teeth, and says "whassup man"... I was like chillen.. chillen.. sup wit u...and then we had a long ass intellectual convo in the steam room... he's a cutie pit but he might be str8 so I'm keeping my distance.. sometimes guys are just "freindly"


Ladynay said...

Sounds like an excuse to me! He know everybody won't be able to legally marry! *smh*

Anonymous said...

Echoing ladynay comments, Brad will be single until his demise because this country will not tolerate the acceptance of deviate sexual behaviors to have the sacred blessing of marriage. I believe in equality and rights for all, but there are somethings that cannot and should not move forward and adopted that can defile the vows of marriage.

wagson said...

It's good to see celebs fighting for social and human rights because they are our voices. Big ups Brad!!!

wagson said...
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K said...

Do u think the lawmakers are going to legalize gay marriage for Brad? Umm no. They didn't legalize crack for Whitney.
