Tuesday, March 21, 2006

When it Rains, it pours

Last Sunday night/ Monday morning, I was in the middle of cuddling up with a cutie when all of a sudden I heard water gushing, it sounded like a rainfall, the sound didn't alarm me because after all it was raining and shyt, it was kinda romantic, that is until I discovered that the gushing water and waterfall was water coming from underneath my front door, down my steps and smack dab, right into the middle of my living room. Yep, what a way to fuck up a date...lol.. Well, I immediadetly called the Engineer for the building who after 5 minutes or so appeared with a dust pan, a rag, and a bucket- I don't know how the hell he thought he was going to clean up the water, which by now had consumed between 1/2 - 2/3 of my apartment.

I immediately looked at him like he was crazy and asked what the hell was he going to do with his "equipment", I was like man do you have a sump pump, or a wet vac, or a carpet extractor, to which he's reply in his broken english accent was of course "NO"

So, I asked him to call an emergency service to get the water up from the carpet, and I mean up and down from the carpet because at this point the padding and the carpet was soaked. So he runs off to call the emergency service only to call me back 30 minutes later to tell me that he doesnt have the cash or a credit card to pay for the service, so they allowed the water to set in my apartment and soil my furniture and belongings for about 12 hours... Well, to say the least, I was pissed but figured I'd just make them pay for the damage as well as my hotel stay since my apartment was a health hazard and couldn't be lived in.

Well to make a long story short, I've had to hire an attorney to sue their asses, I'm packing my shyt and moving in a new apartment on Thursday.. ain't that a bitch, and I guess like they say, when it rains, it pours, but I mean damn at least fix the drains...


Wait for the guy who calls you beautiful instead of hot,
who calls you back when you hang up on him,
who will stay awake just to watch you sleep.

Wait for the guy who kisses your forhead, who wants to show you off to the world when you are in your sweats, who holds your hand in front of his friends,

Wait for the one who is constantly reminding you of how much he cares about you and how lucky he is to have you. Wait for the one who turns to his friends and says, "...that's him."

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Brokeback Mountain

Man, On Monday night, I went to see Brokeback Mountain, ain't got much to say besides the fact that I loved the movie, thought it was touching, real, heartbreaking, and in my opinion should have won the Oscar for best picture, don't get me wrong I liked Crash also, but Brokeback I felt took a big risk and I mean both the male actors were believable and I really believed that they loved each other and whats not...

For me the most touching parts of the movie, were of course the scene were dude tells him they can't make the next trip and he utters the now famous line "I wish I knew how to quit you"

that shyt in itself speaks so much of a few of the loves I've been fortunate enough to be infactuated with/ in love with/ in lust with/ or just str8 up crazy over...

at any rate, and of course the final two scenes really fucked me up...the scene where we learn that dude was real and true the entire time and that he really wanted to have a life with dude...and then the part in the closet where dude finds his shirt, that shit fucked me up on the real.. thats so fucking love right there for u... on the real...

shyt, just had me thinking and feeling kind of lonely and really got me to thinking why am i by myself? and damn do i really want a relationship and if so then I need to make time to get to know someone... Brokeback Mountain that was some good shyt...

Monday, March 06, 2006

A Year later- Least we forget

Today, I was reading an article about a young latino girl who was found raped, suffocated, and strangled and found on a side street in Brooklyn, immediately my mind went back to last year at this time, when it was a young gay brotha limbs were found in trash receptacles throughout Brooklyn and my mind goes back to the very question that it has always, what every happened to Rashawn Brazwell, and have we forgotten about it that quick...

I mean the brotha is still missing and noone seems to know shyt still...
I mean I feel like Hamlet and this brotha is steady whispering remember me... remember me... why is it, that it seems like we have all forgotten this brutal killing?

whats really going on?

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Mid Week Update

Man, in 15 minutes a brotha will be jumping in his car and heading to a conference. This week or at least it seems since I got back from Denver has been extremely busy- of course for the three days I took off, nothing got done, so a brotha came back to an office that was an extreme mess, and had to prepare for two committee meetings, a Board meeting, an audit, and now today a conference, not to mention, I am tech rehearsal for this gig which opens next week...

Well you know they say, what doesn't kill you only makes you stronger.. Also, a brotha has come to the conclusion that buying a house right now wouldn't do anything but really burden a brotha, although I would have a back yard to sit in the back of and drink a beer, well as high as the mortgage would be, drink a few beers... and they wouldn't be Coronas probably could only afford Silver Thunder or shyt would really have to go old school and drink some Tiger Rose or some Mad dog 20/20. At any rate, a brotha has reprioritzed the goals and will work towards paying off at least two of the school loans and saving $50.00 a paycheck, which will go directly into my savings account. I also want to make some double payments on this car note and my other BIG student loan.. shyt and of course, it's crazy and I guess some people say dumb or a waste of money, but I also been playing my numbers, yep, shyt a brotha might hit it big, theres hope...and I mean I'm not even being gready, I just want to hit it for enough to pay off my debt and work from a clean slate, at the same time, I ain't giving millions back if I get lucky.. and no I ain't quitting my job, I'm going to hook this muthafukka up, get all these projects done and then take a 3 month leave of absence... shyt got to keep the paper coming in and shyt honestly, I like to work, I cant even imagine sitting home on my ass all day long and doing nothing but watching talk shows and soaps and eating.. I mean shyt a brotha would really be big as a house.. and that shyt wouldn't be cute... speaking of a brotha needs to get his ass back in the gym, I mean its going to be hot pretty soon and a brotha cant be trying to flex with this keg attached to my midsection- In addition, a brotha is planning on taking a cruise in the Fall so, a brotha can't be getting jiggy with it on a tropical island looking a hot ass mess...lol.. wow, my brain and fingers are really getting some shyt out today...

but nah, decided that I'm really going to back up from the table and start really hitting the gym, my problem is whenever I get stressed or busy I dont eat right and have no time to go to the gym, For example, this week worked 9am-10pm on Monday, 9am-9:30pm on Tuesday, 9am-7pm on Wednesday, and today I'm attending a conferece, which speaking of I need to go pick up my other co-worker and hit the road, so will holla at yall later...

as always be safe, and don't do as I do, do as I say...lol.. but thats some real shyt...